Friday, August 19, 2011

Question #1

If you lived in Jonas's community, what title/profession would you be assigned at the Ceremony of Twelve?

************Remember, comment twice for full credit************************************


  1. Obviously I'd be assigned to Doctor. I would most likely spend all my volunteer time at the hospital (if they have one, because I don't think people get sick there, ya know because it's like a perfect community.) So in the event that they do NOT have a hospital, I would be a Nurturer.

  2. I would be story teller, because i would be good at it, and if i couldn't write books then this would be the next great thing you know? if i don't say anything against the rules...

  3. I would most likely be a nurturer because i enjoy taking care of poeple.:)

  4. Taking care of people as in older people, or taking care of babies? I my self get uncomforatble holding a baby, but that's just me.

  5. Ummm... I'm thinking nurturing would suit me best because i love taking care of little babies... but i dont think i would be able to deal with the releasing part of the job. I would cry :'(

  6. I would be an Instructor of the sixes, because i like little kids(:

  7. At the Ceremony of Twelve, I think I would recieve the title of Landscape worker. I like to be creative, arranging flowers and cobblestones would be fun. I enjoy staying outside, which I totally could if I were a Landscape workerrr[:

  8. i would be given the assignment of reciever. i am alot like Jonas. i can't stay with one thing for too long. i get bored easily. i love doing different and new things.

  9. I would be Instuctor of fours, Because I'm really good with kids. I would spend most of my volunteer time playing with little children!!

  10. I would be a nurturer because I am good with children. I dont really care for the hole releasing part because of my religion I am a Catholic (not a roman catholic) I believe in bathtism so there is always a ways a bright side.

  11. Keeko thts true.there is always a bright side. But most ppl never see it.

  12. I would be Storyteller because I like to talk. Also I'm very good at making up stories to entertain children and others. I think that it would be an importent part in the Society because with all the monotonous and borng days, the Society needs something to serve a an escape and liven it up.

  13. Well I guess if I had to choose another assignment it would be story teller because I love stories but in jonas' world i dont think the stories would be that interesting... but would i know any different?...

  14. I like Jenna's idea to be a Reciever[: I'd rather feel pain, than nothing at all.. haha[:

  15. I would be a Nurturer 'cause I am very good with children. I wouldn't want the night shift part, I would want the day shift. I don't think that i would be a very good person at the releasing part, but because we most likely wouldn't have like, real emotions.

  16. If i chose another assignment it would also be a storyteller, it would bring back good memories and there would never be a dull moment(:

  17. If I couldnt be a Nurturer then I would be an Instructor of Three's. I don't like kids that are over the age of 4 or 5 so I think that 3 would be the perfect age. I don't know about the whold if they make a tiny mistake then you have to hit them with like a ruler

  18. Well I'm just going to be honest, there is NO possible way for me not to be Nurturer so I'm not even going to think of another job. I hope this is enough to get me full credit. (:

  19. Also for my volunteer work i would tell stories to little kids I chose this because I enjoy working with little...:)

  20. If I was to choose another assignment it would be a Nurturer. The reason is because Im great with babies. I dont think I could deal with the releasing part cause it would be sad.):

  21. Well no one would be happy of "releasing" someone. That opens a window of sadness to your heart.

  22. If I had to be something els in that world I would be a story teller because I would like to see what are the styles of writings they have.

  23. I would probley be a chef of some sort because I enjoy cooking. But how much the community is limited would make cooking boring there.

  24. I would work in the Department of Justice like Jonas' mother. I'm interested in law and I strongly believe in a strong government that has fair laws and I think I would be good at helping enforce the laws.

  25. I agree with Nicole. I enjoy cooking, but with life being so bland and mundane in Jonas' wirks, I dont think there would be much spice or flavor there because it might actually give the people cause to think on something othe than the "norm" in thei life.
