Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The end...

What do you imagine happened to Gabriel and Jonas at the end? Support your answer with clues from the book.


  1. At first I thought they had died. I know memories are powerful, but can they keep you alive? The memory of heat was just that, a memory. I'm sorry to say that the body would react to the cold accordingly. I think Gabe and Jonas just slipped away in the cold, into the warmest memories.

  2. I have to agree. That makes it seem like i can go to Antartica and jump in the the wanter and just remembering like a hot day in the summer is going to keep me warm. No I would think i was warm but i would get hiperthermia and die.

  3. It wasn't just a memory for them. Remember how he felt the physical pain of the sun burn even though he had never been sunburned before? I think tht they did find the town/ village tht jonas thought was there in his dreams. He felt like there was something there he just never could get to it in his dreams. I believe tht they did live.

  4. I think that Jonas had just enough memories to keep Gabriel calm for the journey. But both of their bodies were so weak from hunger, lack of sleep, and exhaustion. But they were so weak from the cold they were starting to shut down. I think that they did see the lights of the village. They may have made it into the village but more that likely they disappeared in the cold.

  5. I agree with Devnee, I think they might have made it to the village with just enough memories. But then when they got there they died.

  6. I think they died. I mean think about it, this whole book was suppose to be a utopia and the author tried to make Jonas' community sound as perfect as possible. They never said they killed old people they were "released" so by Jonas & Gabe seeing Christmas lights and hearing music was the "nicest" most "perfect" way for them to die. The lights symbolize God and the music may have been the angels playing the harps in heaven. Just a thought.

  7. I really think they died. I mean they were travelling for a really long time and Gabriel is just a baby and they were in the snow.

  8. I do think that they did die. They wouldn't have been able to make it with the amount of food they had.

  9. I agree with Braleigh, I mean Heaven is supposed to be awsome behond compare. I bet Jonas's heaven is with the christmas lights, because its his favorite memory and it's warm and comforting, Like after the initial death when the soul exists the body and leave's physical pain and emotions behind. I beleived he felt love...

  10. For all u negative ppl he does live!!! Read the second and third books. There not as interesting but Jonas is mentioned.

  11. Jenna, it's obviously his after life! Duh silly. He dies. (:

  12. Well I think they died so that all the memories would be released back to the community. I think the house and the fact that it was Christmas meant they were going to heaven.

  13. I think they did die at the end they just didn't realize it. Like they felt warm from there memories but their physical bodies were actually freezing. But they went to like a "heaven"... Like in the movie Titanic when old rose died she went back to the titanic where she felt the best. That was like her idea of heaven.. That's what I think happened to gave and Jonas.. Their heaven is sledding towards the Christmas lighted town... :]

  14. I think that Gabe and Jonas lived through it, mainly because I'm an optimist, but also because of going down the hill symbolized going down to a new beginning. Usually, when people die they ASCEND not DESCEND. So I think that theyfinally found a place tat was free and not affected by Sameness.

  15. They died. As everyone said, they're just memories. The reason he felt the memories while receiving them was because he was 'making the memory'. We feel when we first make the memories, not when we relive them.. I think Jonas was happy to accept death rather than to never really be alive in his original colorless world[:

  16. I think that they don't make it through. That the last a few pages of the book are them going to heaven. They say that when you are are dieing cause of the cold that you feel warm.

  17. I think that the christmas lights are a then going to heaven.

  18. I think they may have made it to the village but would have died from illness.

  19. And how doubly think that they are Jews

  20. Maybe they do live but I highly doubt it, with all the memories coming back it seems like they died
